Romanian scenes
So going to a different country you see a whole bunch of things that are very foreign to you and you just have to understand that you are in a different place and this is how things are done on the other side on the world.
People in the village have their barns right inside their yards and always have so many animals running around.
Now that is the biggest hay pile I have seen. It's cool how they do theirs so different than ours.
This turkey started to chase me and it was a little scary, but turkey’s can’t run very fast right?!
And people usually have a guard dog to keep the animals in line, but this one doesn’t look very fierce, but he could probably take on the turkey;)
Everywhere there are always such beautiful flowers, I'm use to the fake ones that you don't have to water and they don't die on you!
And then people hang their meat right outside of their window to dry. Pig thigh anyone? Yeah, it's gross…
Wouldn’t it be awesome to have grapes growing right outside of your door??

The Beautiful fields that go on and on.
Hi Chels
Really love the pictures of the countryside esp the goats and sheep. We had goats and sheep too when I was young, and our cows were the same except for the long horns.... They were pretty friendly, WE had to go get them every day after school so they could be milked. I helped your Mom with the new utility room cabinets this evening (Jan 13) They are almost finished, "Frenchy" installed them early this week. Almost done, just the trim now and one cabinet top beside the washer.
Have fun at school and enjoy the flowers while they are fresh, or has winter started like it has here in Edmonton? I wish you well in all your missionary work.
Just me... Arden
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