Do Cows Chase People?

Ok so I have a really funny story. I wish that I could tell you guys in person.
All of us students are put into different projects and me and Ulia are together working with a team that is in a village that is 2 hours away. (yeah I know village sounds really weird, Romania is full of a bunch of villages) We went there for 3 days to help them start the project. The main idea is they want to travel around to different villages asking people what their needs are and providing medical care and medical info if they want it, so to improve their lives. So I went with two of the team members and we went to many different houses and talked to people and they told us if they needed anything or not. Since I only understand a lil of what the people are saying it was really hard for me to pay attention. While we were at one of the houses I was just looking around in the street and then I heard a cow and it came up over the hill to the middle of the village. It was pretty weird to see and then a whole bunch of other cows came walking down behind it. I thought that they were bulls bc they all had huge horns but I guess female Romanian cows have huge horns too. I started to think it would really suck if all of these cows started running at me. I was totally thinking of the commercial with the guy running from the bulls and also like in the Lion King when Simba was getting chase by the wilder beast. All of the houses on either side of the street had gates into their yard and all of the gates are closed so the only place to run would be straight ahead down the road. So bc I am not paying attention my team-mates went on to the next house and went through the gate. This one cow I was looking at was getting closer and closer to me and I am starting to get really scared. I mean this is a huge cow and it’s horns are more than a foot long, each! So I starting to walk away and this cow is still following me. I thought that my team mates were right behind me but of course they weren’t bc they had moved on. Then there was this man and he knew that I was with them so he pointed at the gate where they went in. So I kept looking behind me and the cow was still walking behind me and so I started walking faster and I am now getting really scared. Remember, this is s huge cow with horns! As I run inside the gate I see that the cow is coming in the gate also so I quickly try to shut the door behind me and I keep running in. Then I hear this man yelling at me and I am wondering why? And also my 2 team mates just gave me this funny look. So I then found out that the man was yelling at me bc I slammed the gate in his cows face! Yeah so I am scared as can be bc this cow is chasing me but really it was just being a good cow and coming back home. Now how the heck was I supposed to know! My team mates at this point were laughing at me so hard and they couldn’t stop. I was so embarrassed but come on, I’m a Canadian city girl! At home we don’t have cows walking around in the streets just taking a leisurely stroll back from being up on the hills all day. The next morning when we were having breakfast together the windows face the road and all of the cows were going up to the hills and everyone started to laugh and whenever anyone sees cows and I am with them they really don’t let me forget it. It was really funny though so I’m glad that I could give everyone a good laugh. I hope that I made you laugh too.
oopps...i gues i forgot to tell you about that!!!! Well now you learned the hard way! LOL!
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