
So as only some of you know I came here knowing that I would have to wear skirts during the day to classes but I could wear pants for working and during free time, so I was thinking ok, I think that I can handle that. But being here a week I quickly found out that what I had read was wrong info and that skirts are a all day, having to do everything in them kind of thing. Some of you might be asking why the skirts? It’s a conservative school and it’s in romania… Yeah, so you can totally imagine what my face looked like when I found out and I wanted to run to the hills! (It’s funny bc I actually am surrounded by a lot of hills…) You all know that I am a totally sporty girl and I live in my shorts and sweat pants as much as I can. I mean I love to dress up when there is an occasion to but everyday all day is not my style. Soooo, after 2 months I thought that I would learn to like them but the time hasn’t come for that yet and I don’t think that it will. A lot of the girls bet that by the end I will start to love skirts and I won’t go back to pants, but I told them that they don’t know me at all and that won’t happen, but I guess that only time will tell right? So it would be great if you guys could pray for my skirt issue. I know I can get through it, it’s just hard. Wearing skirts makes your legs get pretty cold so I always wear shorts and pants underneath and everyone can usually see my pants but since when do I care what I look like? Lol And since I am in a skirt I should sit with my legs together or crossed right? Well even though I may be in a skirt I still sit with my legs apart like I would in my sweats. What!? I am wearing pants underneath so it’s not like they can see up my skirt. It’s so uncomfortable to sit like a proper lady. I may be a lady but proper has never been in my vocabulary.
It's too bad it's not scorching hot there, then you would have an appreciation for skirts as air can circulate under them much better than pants. When I was a student missionary in the Marshall Islands the guys were jealous that we could wear skirts and they couldn't:) Tough it out kiddo, you can do it!
Come on Chels. You look HOT;)
Hey buddy, Sounds like your having a great time in well... everywhere you go - i read your entire blog it's so amazing the stuff your doing especially with the whole mcdonalds situations and your birthday and what not -- HAPPY BELATED! But year books are back done from the school so get your sis' to pick them up, and SKIRTS! Skirts with pants underneath are all the rage here, so keep it UP
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