Kiwi and Grapes...
So being Vegan takes a lot more time and prep to make the food. Making everything from scratch is not always that fun bc it is time consuming and I am not the kitchen type of girl. I mean the kitchen can be fun at times when you are cooking for some friends but when it’s 35 people it’s a lil harder. So in the fall we did a lot of prep to the fruits and vegetables so we can freeze them and have them during the winter. I have cut up so many peppers, peeled cook eggplant, pitted lots of plums, and cut up lots of apples. But the busiest day was when we got so many crates of Kiwi and Grapes and we worked for hours sorting the good from the bad and making juice from the grapes and bagging all of the Kiwi for Jam and also blended it to make Nectar. Kiwi nectar is soooooooo good. We had it for so many days but then it does get to be too much. But there is still lots to have later in the winte.
It was fun working with everybody and getting pretty dirty…


Having fun playing in a bag.

I have never seen a old school juicer like this, it’s a lot of hard work that’s why I was just watching them, I’m a pretty good supervisor. Lol
Me just being me… yum yum yum!
Being Vegan!!!
So being Vegan has been super hard and I am really craving anything that comes to my mind, which is everything! It’s super hard to switch to this way of eating when you are so use to meat and dairy products being in your diet. I challenge any of you to just try to be vegan for a day and then let me know how it goes. I know it might not sound very delicious but try something different. I am getting more use to the food here and some of it is really good. But I am only a part-time Vegan though bc I have gotten junk food every now and then and eat it in my room. Yeah I know I am bad but I am not the only one that does this. Being Vegan is definitely not easy for all of us. And if you were here you would do the same thing. But I have cut down to be MOSTLY healthy and as Vegan as I can. Lol Everyone needs a treat here and there right? I have found that I do feel healthier so I know that it is really good on your body, but it is hard for your eyes because they are tired of seeing healthy things all of the time and they want to see sweet and salty things!

They have pizza a little different here. I have never had peas or corn on my pizza but it is actually really good.

This is one of the things we have for breakfast. It’s millet, fruits and nuts. It’s alright. And doesn’t it look pretty? I decorated it myself…
We have bread at every meal. Romanians have to have their bread and if they can’t eat bread with their meal they just won’t eat. This is a true story, it happened last week. This one guy has an extreme bread habit.
Sun, sun Mr. Golden Son...

This is the house where we have our cafateria and kitchen on the bottom floor and then the girls dorm is upstairs... isn't it beautiful?

Aren't I cute!? hehe
...Please shine down on me!

The scenery at the school here is definitely some of the prettiest sights I have seen.
The colors are different almost every morning when the sun rises and it’s beautiful!
Petting Zoo
So you know how you have to usually pay to go into a petting zoo? Well not here when you are living out in the country like me. Everyday in the field beside us we always see so many sheep and goats. And one day we saw two sheep fighting and it was just like how we have seen on TV on the discovery channel. They back up pretty far from each other and then they give it their all and run as fast as they can and knock their heads together. It was so cool to see it in real life. I wish that I could have videotaped it. My head started to hurt just watching them. They have to get a little brain damaged from doing that right? There is usually one lonely donkey which looks pretty funny but people say that they help keep the sheep in line, who knew donkeys were controlling… It’s cool seeing a Shepard, but they don’t quite look like how they look in the bible stories…
They have the red paint on their backs so if one gets lost they know who it belongs to.

The sheep weren’t as friendly as the goats and they walked away from us.
Nelly is trying to use her powers to heal the goat.. I don't think it worked.

Look at his pretty bow and bell.
When I look at these two I think of old men, haha
Pretty Colors
A lot of houses are different bright colors. It's pretty cool. I’d love to have a bright orange house, that is if I get a house, but I can't see that happening for a long time...
I love this pink one!
You can definitely tell that these people are rich, I wonder if they would let me see the inside?
Still No Snow!
So it is so strange that we don’t have snow and it doesn’t feel like it’s December or close to Christmas at all. I am so jealous of all the snow that you guys have at home. I miss snowboarding and I really want to go! There are so many hills here around me but there is no snow and no snowboard: ( And it’s been super warm and most of the time I am not wearing a jacket. I mean I do love the warm weather but I love snow and cold usually comes with it, so I miss the cold weather also, I never thought that I would ever say that I miss the cold, but it happened.
Here I am enjoying the sunshine on my balcony.
Romanian scenes
So going to a different country you see a whole bunch of things that are very foreign to you and you just have to understand that you are in a different place and this is how things are done on the other side on the world.

People in the village have their barns right inside their yards and always have so many animals running around.
Now that is the biggest hay pile I have seen. It's cool how they do theirs so different than ours.
This turkey started to chase me and it was a little scary, but turkey’s can’t run very fast right?!
And people usually have a guard dog to keep the animals in line, but this one doesn’t look very fierce, but he could probably take on the turkey;)

Everywhere there are always such beautiful flowers, I'm use to the fake ones that you don't have to water and they don't die on you!
And then people hang their meat right outside of their window to dry. Pig thigh anyone? Yeah, it's gross…

Wouldn’t it be awesome to have grapes growing right outside of your door??
The Beautiful fields that go on and on.
So you know how someone should never encourage you to go hitchhiking? Well in Europe it is totally different. If you don’t have a car and you don’t when the bus is going to come you catch a ride with a stranger. Sylvia (the girl from California) and I were told that sometime we might not have a vehicle we can use and we might have to hitchhike sometimes. We both looked at each other and were like what? I guess people trust other people more over here but I don’t know…
My friend Cathy and I one Sunday wanted to go into town but we missed the bus so we walked to the road and started to hitchhike.

It was fun at first but then not so much bc people would drive by and just glare at you! How Rude!

So did we end up getting a ride with a stranger? Nope, A bus came and we hopped on. I haven’t hitchhiked yet but I mostly likely will soon.I’m in Europe, it’s definitely the thing everybody does. I don’t think that my mom approves of it though… hehe don’t tell her!
The square
These pictures are in the center of the square that I forgot to put in from my birthday post. This is Daniela who drove me and helped me have tons of fun in town.