Spain- Things from the beginning
I was so happy to find a Cheap flight and that is what really finalized me going. I could hardly sleep the night before and I couldn't concentrate in my classes that day. After I got through them I was off to the tiny airport and in the air.
I got to Barcelona at 5am in the morning and I was so happy to have Hermina (she is the sister of one of my friends at the school, who has lived in Barcelona for the last 4 or so years,) I was so grateful that her and her father sacrificed their sleep for me. Went and slept until noon and then got up and Hermina brought me to the bus station so I could take the bus to Madrid. That is where the girls live and I flew to Barcelona and not directly to Madrid bc to Madrid it was super expensive. So to Bus was the way to go in order to save money. So I took the 7 and a half hour bus ride. It did seem so so long but I am so happy that the roads are not like Romanian roads bc it would have made the trip way longer and super bumpy...
This sign was hanging in the bus, so strange....
There is a lot of Spray paint all over Madrid, I've never seem so much.
The girls picked me up from the bus station and it was so good to see there faces and I jumped on them as soon as I got off of the bus. Went home and met all of the family and it's a big one with 8 people. There are 3 boys and 3 girls. I can't ever imagine raising 6 kids, wow.... can you imagine how much laundry there would be??? yikes!
So the communication started and I was emerged into Romanian and only Romanian all of the time. (but with most of the kids they all knew some words so when I didn't know it at all in romanian they would sometimes understand what I was trying to say, but for the most part when there wasn't any understanding we just said “las-o balta!” it’s like a whatever saying, and I used it a lot! lol) It was difficult bc I had to try to think of only Romanian to help them to understand me... I knew that it was going to be a hard week for my brain, but an amazing experience!
Me and Oana driving in Coslada. This is the city that they live in that is considered a part of Madrid. There are a lot of Romanians in Spain. Romanians move there bc they can make more money. And most of them live in Coslada. It was so funny bc when we were driving or walking she could point out all of the Romanians to me, and they were a lot.
Friday night vespers with the sisters.
I got to play some football and I was so happy. (I’m the one in the grey and blue)
Super nice shoes! Were you borrowing their's? I don't remember sending those with you. Not something I would expect you to wear!
Yes they were really nice shoes but killer on the feet and I felt like I was going to fall over the whole time I was walking in them. Yes there were Eva's all of the girls had nice shoes.... I want to get nice shoes when I get home!
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