At The ZOO!!!
I was really excited to go to the zoo since I have not been to one in a long time and they are always a lot of fun.
So since you saw from a previous post the most thrilling thing from the Zoo: the snake around my neck. So here are the more normal pics.

Nice wheels hey?


Ok, so that’s better!

Now doesn’t he look scary...

Just play fighting

Like my hairstyle?

“Hey, look I can wave!"

“Wait, don’t leave, I can do it with both hands”

The life of a scarecrow...
There was a seal show and it was so good, they are really talented. One of them was throwing a Frisbee back and forth with it's mouth, very cool!

Also there was a Dolphin show and it was so good. Dolphins are so intelligent!

Just before jumping through the hoop.

Jumping up and grabbing a fish out of his mouth.
Here are some of the people we saw before we got our picture:
This was the end of our Zoo journey, but it was great!
Doing a little shopping

So we went shopping in one of the big stores and I love to see different and new products. Most things are the same but there are some that are different.

So here come the differences....

This is all pork.... I was so disgusted when I got to the aisle and then seeing it spread out in the main aisle. I can’t believe how they just have them hanging there. There have a way bigger meat section than I have ever seen and pork is apparently huge in Spain. Even if I liked pork and saw it like that I think that that would turn me off of it.

I needed a little nap after seeing all of the pork!
Ahoy! Snow!

I was so happy to be up near the mountains and then drive up to where the snow was. With not getting much snow here at all I felt like I had missed the winter... so I took as much advantage of that time to play around in the snow as I could....

Found a little ski place.

I have missed relaxing like this.
Our beautiful ride the we drove to all of the cool places in...