Health Club
For some months in the village down the hill from us we had a health club that we did every second Sunday. We would have a health lecture and then a snack with the recipe, back massage, weight, height body fat measurements, and blood pressure tests.

This is our team..... aren't our vests so cool?!

Giving a lecture

Massagin...and did those ladies ever love it.

There is mostly old women that come, they really enjoyed it and learned a lot so it was great!
So as you will see the mosquitoes were really bad and every morning when I woke up I was so super itchy. Some of these pictures don't do justice but I did have so many. Stupid insects! There is no way that God made them.

I was attacked all at my elbow, it was crazy! I had 15 in a 2 inch radius.

I felt like I had chickenpox again.

Got a bunch on my face and those were super itchy.

Yup, even on my eyelid...
Trip to Amnas
A little while ago of the school and some staff from the sanatorium went to a village 3 hours away for the weekend to have a break and to get to know each other better and have a lot of fun.
We all had vespers outside together and sang songs.

Me and my girls

This is the biggest and greenest spider that I have seen in Romania.

It was too fast for me though...

We had church in the orchard on Sabbath and it was really nice...

This little guy thought that he would join us and jump on everyone.

Some village kids come for lunch, so cute!

This is Lena. She is from Ukraine and she is a applicant for next year so her and her Dad joined us for the weekend. We bonded right away and she is such a great crazy girl.

See? She's like my twin.

Playing Frisbee with my Canada Frisbee, Thanks Amanda for sending it to me.
On Sunday we drove to a nearby mountain and climbed up and had lunch up there. It was such a beautiful day, a little too hot but it was still great!

This would have been a easier way up and down.

And there was some snow for me to play in and it made me very happy.

We had another little different fellow join us.
Once we got to the top of course a little football was played, almost never to tired for that!

The Boys

Just playing...don't worry

Sittin n Singin
Had a great walk on the way down but I couldn't find a bathroom...

AHH, that's so much better.... :)
Little Tapiwa
Our bible teacher is from Zimbabwe Africa, and his wife gave birth a little while ago and now we have a black baby in Herghelia and he is a huge center of attention. Most Romanians had never seen a black baby before. It’s pretty funny to me. At the hospital they said that everyone that was working there that day came to see Tapiwa. What a famous baby! And it’s only because he is black, tiny, and cute and in Romania.

He is so cute though, isn't he?

Momma Precious and Tapiwa

Am I almost as cute? lol

The little bundle of joy!

And the tired out Daddy from feeding Tapiwa all of the time.... lol!
Lions and tigers and bears oh my!
Now you see a lion on a bench...

Now you see me on a bench with the lion on me!!!

Outside of the castle there was this guy with a lion and it only cost a little over 2 dollars to get a picture with it so I couldn't resist because anywhere else it would probably be like 50 dollars or something crazy.
So yes I was a little scared but I think the lion was drugged because it wouldn't hold it's head up and I had to hold it. But it was still really cool, heavy though.
Inside Castle Peles- Sinaia