(Wales is technically it’s own country but it still belongs to England… something like that. Weird, I know)
Mary and I drove down with Derek while Andy drove down a little later with his precious kayak.

She was pretty pumped to go also.
The drive was pretty long but worth it once we got into Wales and looking at the ocean as we drove along side it. As soon as I saw it I wanted to jump in…
We stopped at this really old castle and took some pictures. It was already dark so not many of them turned out very good but it was better to see it in the dark than not at all.

If Derek had both his eyes and mouth closed you wouldn’t be able to see him. He would make a good thief, if he could get around without seeing that is… lol!
I tried to climb a bit but bc it was raining it was quite slippery so I didn’t get to far.
This tree is eating me!

We got to Andy’s flat pretty late so we couldn’t see the amazing view of the ocean till the morning.
I took this from his living room window. Now that is a view that I would actually love to wake up to each morning.
We went and hung out at this Adventist summer camp where Mary worked at when she first came to England in July and this is where she had first met Derek and Andy. It was really beautiful place and it was right beside the ocean. Too bad Foothills wasn’t beside the ocean.
A church group had rented it out for a couple of days and when they heard my name was Chelsey I got made fun of…again. But I handled it.
We started to play Pit and I was so excited! It’s one of the best card games. Some of you might be wondering what kind of game involves spoons? So I’ll explain. Everyone gets dealt the same amount of cards and you trade with people trying to get all of the same type of card in their hand. There are about 8 different kinds you can go for. Then if you are the first one to get all the same cards you grab a spoon. There is one less spoon than there is people so once the first person grabs a spoon, you need to quickly get one bc if you are the last person you lose. It’s so funny bc so many people are just paying attention to trying to trade cards and they get so into it that they don’t notice that all of the spoons are gone until people stop trading with them, it’s great!
Mary was getting pretty excited.
Then we also played this game called Apples to Apples, which is another great card game. All of us laughed so hard.
I got sick…
Good thing for Vicks!
Beautiful Sunset
Beautiful Ocean
For New Years they had a special dinner party at the camp so we went over. But we first stopped at this place where you can see a great view of the ocean and see all of the waves coming in.
Here Mary was taking a picture of me. You can see that the waves are coming in and right after she took the picture I turned around and saw a big wave come after me and I tried to jump up to the railing but I wasn’t fast enough and both Mary and I got are shoes soaked and our pants too… the water was sooo cold! But it was still pretty funny. We should of known that the waves would come in.
Looking great in our crowns.
Mary wore her England Beckham jersey and this one lady started to flip out and said that he belongs to England and we shouldn’t like him and that we need to find our own player… we were both shocked and thought it was just really funny bc she was just bugging us. But she wasn’t joking and she was quite serious. They are a little to overprotective of their football players…
And our yummy meal! Potatoes, corn and this casserole that had 3 different kinds of cheese in it, it was brilliant!
Andy was loving the food too.
And Dessert… even though I had missed chocolate, the English put too much chocolate on, but it was still good.
After we ate Mary, Derek, and I helped clean up.
Playing football...
Derek tried…. but couldn’t do that.
We went outside to the bonfire and Derek was too lazy to walk so he wanted to see how strong Mary and I was.
Wales is super cold and is super windy especially when you are beside the ocean. Even though we were right beside the fire we were still freezing!
Before I got on this hay bail, Mary and I ran at it thinking that it would be soft but we bounced off it really fast since it was super hard. Yeah, it left a bruise.
After the Countdown…. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
Went walking in town
I never got to see a live football match but I did get to go into this small pub and watched half of a live game on the Tele, a small TV but it was still fun.
Mary and I happily watching...
Liverpool Won! I don’t remember against who, but that doesn’t matter.
We went up to the Point to catch the sunset and it was so beautiful.
The view was amazing but the wind cut like a knife. It was like being up in a chair lift in the mountains with the wind chill being like -30. I hadn’t felt that cold for a long time, and there wasn’t even any snow!
Derek’s face really says it all.
The wind was so strong that you couldn’t walk against it. Mary is actually close to doing the Michael Jackson thing here.
This is what’s left of the look-out that the English used to see if the Irish were coming.
Derek and me playing in the waves!
I would see how far I could go out with the wave and then run away before it would come back in and get me all wet. I wasn’t all that successful.
You can’t really see Derek but he’s there.
Last Day in Wales…
I wanted to leave my mark.
Since I couldn’t go home I ran to the sea!
She had a lot of fun with the Shells that she found.
She had just got soaked by a big wave, it was pretty funny for me but it was really cold for her.